Simply because:

connecting products to relevant digital sales channels is time consuming, costly and complex.

Therefor we give Brands easy and automated access to relevant digital Sales Channels and vice versa.

Founder Rob van Gent has been representing brands in the digital space for 15 years. He has built, modified and sanitised e-commerce teams and has worked in the heart of the trade. His observations and solutions around the (unnecessary) complexity of the field has crystallised into our intuitive and comprehensive EaaS platform.

Our goal is to let you do what you do best. We take care of the hassle. No more programming, filing, uploading and contracting for you. Just ‘sign up and start selling (or buying)!’

Meet the Team

  • Rob van Gent

    Chief Commerce

  • Joey Fieggen

    Chief Operations

  • Rianne Jutten

    Marketplace Manager

  • Lucas Bennink

    Sales Executive

  • Diederik Mulder

    Manager Operations

  • Boudewijn

    Back-end Developer

  • Jochem

    Front-end Developer

Board of Advisors