E-commerce as a Service

Sell your products on all marketplaces

Use our active network of digital sales channels to get your products to more customers
faster, easier and with a minimal upfront investment.

Sounds too good to be true? Discover how we can unlock your sales growth.

Logical choice for brands who …

need to scale up their sales faster

want reach new consumer markets easier

like to focus on building brands and products

have to overcome internal limitations to grow

need their digital distribution to just work

Smart integrated platform

One gateway to your digital sales channels. Centralized, optimized product catalog, single administrative settlement, one dashboard, and management tools. Hassle-free, no training or large in-house team required. Focus on growing your sales, not the technology.

Active seller network

Join our pre-integrated active network of sales channels. Connect once and multiply your digital sales network. Easy access to Marketplaces, webshops and influencers. Plug and play, better yet, plug and sell.

Leveraging Retail Media

Increase your sales and brand exposure by using all promotional options at your disposal in the sales channels. We and our network of partners help you to promote products right where the consumer already is, and ready to buy.

NLOCKD - The Movie


Benefit from easy access to numerous e-com channels and marketplaces….

Online Vendors

Get easy and unlimited access to thousands of products in relevant categories…


Your life is going to be easier. Do what you do best, while NLOCKD opens up a wealth of brands…


Extend your services to ecom clients. No more struggles connecting to channels and marketplace.

Smart integrated platform

Fully integrated and connected making work more efficient.

Simple and seamless onboarding

Channel Management

AI optimized product content

One dashboard for all sales channels

Central Retail Media manager

End to end connectors


digital sales expansion unlocked

Let us fix it for you

E-commerce has become very complex over time and competition is fierce. Software is complex, systems don’t match, product data is never perfect nor up to date…. Time and resources go to waste claiming, keeping and growing your position in the market. Let us ‘fix it’ for you.

Being relevant, up to date and agile is time consuming and expensive. It requires specific knowledge, skills and technology. We know this by experience and hard lessons learned.

It’ s impossible for you to do this all by yourself and still realise a positive ROI. This holds even more true for adopting innovations and being successful with international expansion.

For web shops, marketplaces, influencers, content creators and social commerce, this is equally complex, inefficient and time consuming.

These daily challenges in e-commerce got us inspired to create an integrated solution and commerce network in one.

Now we easily connecting brands and channels enabling them to thrive using a single platform.

Contact us.
We’re here to help!

Got questions or just want to say hi? Drop us a message and we'll get back to you soon!